Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded thanks to contributions from this project:
The American Social Health Association was always experimenting with new ways to educate the public about venereal disease. They helped produce the first VD education film, "Fit to Fight", in 1918 in order to educate soldiers being shipped abroad to fight in the first World War. Although this popular TV public service announcement informs the public that everybody is susceptible to venereal disease, strangely, it also seems to imply that having VD will make you successful, attractive and happy. Also, the song is quite infectious...
To license this film and get a higher quality version for broadcast/film purposes, contact A/V Geeks LLC.
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February 7, 2023 (edited)
Best Ironic Phrase Title Ever!
And....if you act right now? you get 2 VD's.. thats right folks..a second VD is yours free! { just pay for separate shipping and handling } call now! its for EVERYBODY. * disclaimer * this review is not an endorsement for Venereal Disease. It is a parody.
Veeeedeeeee is for evvvveryvodyyyyy... I'll get my coat.
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March 10, 2017 Subject:
My favorite PSA ever
This may be my favorite PSA ever. I was 6 or 7 when this ad started airing. The klezmer / German beerhall lament playing over the images of happy attractive people (95% White as was the practice at the time) twisted my mind forever. BTW for the people who believe this has the wrong Ad Council logo, The Ad Council's current logo debuted in 1969, the year this ad was produced.
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February 22, 2015 Subject:
@Reviewer: Mewster - March 18, 2007 and @Reviewer: torgman - January 8, 2010 And yet there's that exact, same pesky new logo likewise concluding, for example, this 1972 UNCF PSA ( Reviewer: OrygunState - March 24, 2007 would, on the other hand, look to have it pretty much pegged.
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September 9, 2014 Subject:
they didn't call it the swingin 70's for nothing
seems like nobody "was on the shelf" back then. just one big orgiastic america! and you could leave a job in the morning and find another in the afternoon. And minimum wage back then would pay 20 bucks per hr today....hmm we could learn something from those blissful 70's
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May 18, 2014 Subject:
VD is for Everybody PSA
I used this clip in a collection of short films for a fringe-arts festival. At first, everybody thought it was a SNL-styled parody. What a surprise for them to find that it's a real PSA!
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July 13, 2012 Subject:
Way back then
In the 70's we were very aware of VD or STDs. More often it was NSU that spooked us and Cream even produced the song NSU. More sinister things arrived on the scene in the 80's, but even HIV seems to have lost a lot of the respect it used to engender. The online porn business has a lot to answer for (so they tell me).
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January 27, 2012 Subject:
Ah, That Sweet Blush of VD!
I about wet myself when I saw this. Back when it came out, I was an almost tween-ager with bad ADHD, and my parents were aghast when I was rolling around humming/singing "VD, it's for everybody!" I was also the one who left pamphlets for "The PILL" in my mom's bathroom. That I had gotten from the community college pamphlet stand during a "take your little bro or sis to campus day." It only came out years later at a family reunion as to which of us had planted the mystery literature.
Reviewer:WKAC Sports
January 8, 2012 Subject:
I remember this!
Wow--haven't seen these for a WHILE!
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July 1, 2011 Subject:
I Heart NY!
Your mother gave me VD. In fact, your mother was for everybody. Which is how I managed to get it from her, and also why she had it.
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May 19, 2011 (edited)
was going to be a sitcom on PBS
but the producers got too crabby with the director
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January 28, 2011 Subject:
Is that Barbara Streisand? LOLOLOLOL!
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September 23, 2010 Subject:
Wow, where can I get some VD?
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May 16, 2010 Subject:
It's ironic...
It doesn't come across as 'pro-VD' if you get the irony. The point of the PSA is that all the happy smiley people have VD and don't know it yet! They're sure not gonna to be smiling when the doctor tells them what that funny discharge is, I tell ya what! I agree that kids wouldn't get the irony, but it was of course meant for adults, and I think it's brilliant!
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April 10, 2010 Subject:
....Did One Girl Get It From Her Horse..?
January 8, 2010 Subject:
This is NOT from 1969. More like late 1970's.
November 4, 2008 Subject:
Love the title
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March 25, 2007 Subject:
worth the download
I'd heard the song being played on the RETROcrush podcast, and the visuals (when combined with the song) make it even funnier.
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March 24, 2007 Subject:
70's not 1969
It should be noted that VD means 'Veneral Disease' which comes from Venus, the Goddess of Love. Now it is called STD or 'sexually transmitted disease'. This commercial was filmed in the 70's. In the jogging segment there is a 1970 Ford Maverick and an orange 1971-2 Dodge van, neither looks brand new. Also the violin player's sweater-shirt and hairstyle combo looks just like mine did circa '77-'78. Note the girl in the opening shot has feathered hair, made popular by Farrah Fawcett from the original Charlies's Angels. This ad is circa 1974. I saw this spot as 'yoot' in the 70's and I never forgot the song. It was played until the late 70's. By then it was dated by several years. At that time, there was no digital, so you could tell that a commercial or rerun was old by how scratchy, dirty and worn the film and soundtrack were. At an idle moment at work this song came to my head and I absently-mindedly started to softly sing it. Then I though, 'what if someone hears this?'
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March 18, 2007 Subject:
I think this was more like 1979. Look at the Ad Council logo at the end: that logo wasn't adopted until the late 1970's
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January 10, 2006 Subject:
That DAM song is in my head now!
Thanks alot!(not). Just seeing the title has that silly jingle bouncing around in my head. I was almost 13 when this PSA hit and I agree that it mad me want to find out what VD was and how I could get some. A real classic example of how disconnected the two generations really were. They tried to make a "hip" warning and turned out a pro-VD ad instead.
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January 9, 2006 Subject:
I searched for years and years for this PSA. I even contacted the Ad Council (who said they'd mail me a VHS copy of it, but never did). I was 10 when it first aired, and I never forgot it, mostly because of the song. Like the other poster on here who had people think she was nuts when she'd tell them about this PSA, I, too, would get funny looks from people when I'd tell them about its existence. Now, I don't have to tell them anymore. I can show them. Now VD really *is* for everybody. ;)
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December 20, 2005 Subject:
I can't belive it!
Yes! I was not nuts! I was 6 years old when I saw this P.S.A in Washington State. I had no idea what VD was but I wanted it! Yes, it was for everyone. I so remember this I can still sing the song to this day. When I sing the song and tell people about this commerical they think I am crazy. (I am but that is beside the point). Finding this P.S.A has made me happy.
Reviewer:left wing films
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December 2, 2005 Subject:
VD is beautiful
The film is quite bizarre VD seems to be a cool thing for everybody aldo its irony maybe works at the sense that you feel that you could be next but still the music puts you in a very romantic mood which makes you want to be like the beautiful portraits of you girls and boys with VD. I ll rate it 5stars for the great song which puts you in a very mellow mood
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November 11, 2005 Subject:
It made an impression
I actually remember this PSA from when I was six years old. I remember seeing it and being very afraid of everyone after that for fear that they could give me VD, even though I had no idea what VD was. I just knew it was bad and you could even get it from a little baby.
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October 25, 2005 Subject:
In the style of Kurt Weill
Music and theme very much in the style of Kurt Weill. Effective.
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October 25, 2005 Subject:
Very Very Strange and bizzare
Reviewer:Red Ryder
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October 6, 2005 Subject:
Everything is Music (that's right Bjork)
I just like the song. It has a Peggy Lee "Is That All There Is?" feel to it. You know, torchy.
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October 4, 2005 Subject:
I gots to get me some of that VD
VD seems to be really pleasent according to this
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August 25, 2005 Subject:
Sexual Disease never seemed this FUN!
Wow, These are some really cheery people with an STD. Kind of reminds me of the ads you see today featuring people with Herpes. AS odd as this PSA is I believe it probablly achieved its intent by encouraging people with VD not to be ashamed and to see a doctor.
Reviewer:Leshaun Fossett
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August 1, 2005 Subject:
Bring this campaign back, but for HIV
This would be a great ad campaign for HIV.
Reviewer:Rob Pascual
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June 7, 2005 Subject:
VD -- is for everybody Not just for the few Anyone can share VD With someone nice as you VD -- is for everybody Darlin' have no doubt That anyone can get VD That's what it's all about
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March 20, 2005 Subject:
I love this ridiculous little creation! One of the things I notice (being gay, myself) is that the song is very Broadway, very 1930's-Busby-Berkeley; something to make old-school gay campers sit up and take notice. I can't help but wonder if that's how they reached out to include the gay community in the pre-QUEER-EYE era. I mean, obviously gays were at risk just like anyone else but they certainly couldn't depict a vapidly smiling muscle-bound body builder arranging pansies in a vase shaped like Michaelangelo's DAVID.... I love to perform the song, accompanied on my banjo, in the streets of the French Quarter. Always good for a few tips!
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February 3, 2005 (edited)
Never thought I'd see this again!
My parents and grade-school teachers hit the ceiling when this thing was on the air. They wouldn't say why the spot was so bad, because that would have involved giving us "uncomfortable" information. I asked an adult what VD was, and he told me it had something to do with removing your sandals in public.
Reviewer:Scott Bot
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February 3, 2005 (edited)
VD for me, see!
A strange little PSA that makes it look like everyone in the world who has VD is happy, bright and popular. It almost makes me want to get VD, so I can join these people. The jogging guy towards the end looks like Bill O'Reilly...